– We always talk about phase one and phase two detoxification. That has a lot to do with taking a substance into the liver and then biochemically transforming that substance, making it either water-soluble or fat-soluble, and sort of making it inert and putting it into the digestive tract or pushing it out through the kidneys. Well, there’s phase three detoxification. Phase three’s really about those compounds that your liver has transformed, how do you get them out? And so, phase three is how they get out of the body? How do you breathe them out, how do you sweat them out, how do you pee them out, how do you poop them out? So a lot of things that go into that. There are some very easy ways that all of us can ensure that we’re detoxing every single day, and we can just focus on phase three items. One of the best ways to promote phase three detoxification is to ensure that you’re getting plenty of glutathione in your diet. So sulfur-rich compounds, like you could do garlic. You can do Brassicaceae family, so that means broccoli and cauliflower. Coffee enemas are super helpful at producing glutathione in the body. Or supplementing with a liposomal glutathione. So if you feel like you’ve been exposed, if you’ve recently painted your house or you grew up in the decades where leaded fuel was quite common, and this is interesting. What we’re seeing is a lot of baby boomers who grew up in a lead-rich environment. Lead gets sequestered into the bone. That means it gets kinda hidden in the bone. And now these baby boomers are hitting menopause and getting into a place where they’re turning over a lot of bone, so osteoporosis or osteopenia, all of that lead that was trapped in the bone is now being released.
– Oh, wow!
– Right, so we’re a huge increase in this lead toxicity. So if we can get the transport proteins that are responsible for getting these things out of the kidneys and into the urine, we can just use glutathione. Alkalizing the body. There’s some benefit to actually taking an alkalinizing agent. That is to alkalinize the urine and reduce the amount of toxins that are getting recirculated in the kidneys. It’ll actually help, it promotes the excretion of toxins. So, you know, if someone is feeling, like I said, exposed to something or feeling toxic or they think they need to detox their bodies, then use an alkalinizing agent. I just wouldn’t use it around meals. I would ’til I’ve actually sat down, I had my meal, I’ve digested, and then I would take it maybe before bed, or maybe I would do it an hour in between meals or something like that. But I really wanna preserve stomach acid, but I also wanna detox too. We use something called pHenomenal Water here and we add it to distilled water. It brings the alkalinity up in the urine, and when the alkalinity comes up in the urine, you excrete more toxins, so it’s super helpful.
– Are there any other alkalinizing products that you’re a fan of? Some people use baking soda, like a small amount, quarter-teaspoon of baking soda in water, some people do greens. Is there any that you–
– I think greens is my favorite way. You know, greens just have so many other benefits–
– Yes.
– Outside of alkalinization.
– Yep.
– But if I’m looking at somebody that is toxic or if they have a lot of skin issues or they have a lot of brain fog or I feel that there’s some environmental exposure that might be detrimental to their health or an obstacle to cure, then I’ll think about using an alkalinizing agent, when before, I wouldn’t even consider it. I didn’t feel like it was the right thing to do in terms of blood pH and stomach acid. Hearing how effective it is at helping us detox, it kinda changing my mind in certain scenarios. Green tea is also super helpful for helping you detox. This is, again, phase three, how do we get stuff out? So drinking green tea daily, alkalinizing your urine.
– All the polyphenols in the green tea.
– Absolutely. There’s so much benefit to that. What else? Probiotics and fiber.