– The beauties of what we have the opportunity to do with people is get to know them, understand their lifestyle, understand the way that they eat, the way that they think, the way that they feel, a bit of their history, and then based on that information, we’re able to, through each of our trainings, to look at what are the possible common denominators here as far as underlying causes and trace that back in the physiology, so that we can work up the chain and get to the root cause rather then treating just symptoms.

– There’s nothing worse than chasing symptoms.

– Yeah, that’s like throwing darts in the dark.

– Yeah, I don’t like chasing symptoms. I like to do the foundational stuff, so we get the body and the mind and the spirit all aligned, working together strategically, and then symptoms sorta just kinda start falling away.

– When you start to look at the major physiological stressors, there’s about five deal breakers that I’ve been able to identify that most symptoms radiate out from. Cardiovascular and blood sugar. And those are anemia, adrenal stress and blood sugar dysregulation, liver detoxification issues, and fatty acid metabolism issues. And if those five are dealt with, and sorry, gut.

– Yeah.

– And gut issues. So gut inflammation, eating foods we’re allergic to or having leaky gut, anything of that nature. If any of those five are happening and you deal with those, the vast majority of symptoms that people experience are going to fall away. Just from those five.

– Yeah.

– It’s incredibly simple, and it’s incredibly complex all at the same time.

– Right.

– Because a lot of these aren’t easy issues.

– Yeah, and that’s the thing, they’re not easy, right? So changing your diet is not easy.

– Healing leaky gut.

– Changing a habit that you’ve had for a really long time or all the good feelings and memories that you have around a particular food or activity that you like to do. Those things are really hard, ’cause that’s ingrained in us.

– That’s right.

– And that’s the tough work, but that’s what I love about the direct care model that we have, is that we’re able to take the time and do that tough work.