– Some foods that might be helpful would be foods low in sugar. So you wanna get lots of vegetables, so dark, leafy, green vegetables. Garlic could be really good

– Garlic. It’s the first thing

– for the sulfur

– that came to me. Yep.

– Right. Cabbage, so cabbages would be really nice. And then, oils. So fatty fish, mackerel, sardines, salmon, those sorts of things would be really nice.

– A classic anti-inflammatory diet. Yep, anti-inflammatory… Avoid the pastries.

– Avoid the pastries. Avoid the grains, the beans, the lagoons, the dairy as much as possible. Dairy’s really mucus-producing anyways.

– Yep.

– So if you could avoid those, get a lot of dark, leafy greens and nutrient-dense produce,

– Yeah.

– that would be a great way to go.

– Yep. And then, focus… I like the dark, leafy greens and I like avocados too because of the fiber content. So all of this stuff that we’re gonna be absorbing through our skin, through our airways, and getting into our bloodstream, our liver’s gonna be filtering that and it’s gonna pushing into the bile to get rid of during meals. So when you eat, your liver and gallbladder are gonna express bile, and the toxins are in the bile, so we need fiber to be there to capture that and to pull it out through a bowel movement. So it’s really important that you’re getting your fiber. I know it’s difficult at times to get nine to 12 servings of vegetables a day. So maybe incorporate some flax seed into your diet, you can do hemp hearts.

– Hemp hearts are great.

– Yep, those are really good. Those will glob onto those toxins. I like nuts and seeds. They’re also a really great fiber source. So any way we can basically pull those toxins out… because we really are filters of our environment. We’re breathing clean air in and, or, I’m sorry, we’re breathing dirty air in and breathing out virtually clean air. So we’re globbing onto those things and running them through our bodies and filtering them out into the environment, so any way we can grab those toxins and pull them out is going to be really good for us.