– The magic of community based medicines is in the relationship.
– Exactly.
– Right, it’s forming a really strong relationship between practitioners and members or patients, and getting down to what is really important in our lives together, and what is going to best serve us health wise, and what’s the root cause of illness?
– Exactly.
– And then Siskiyou Vital Medicine’s model of the direct care, we’re able to really drill down into that and address some foundational wellness issues, or foundational wellness barriers, rather, so we look at lifestyle. We have time to look at lifestyle, we have time to talk about nutrition, we have time to talk about sleep.
– Stress management.
– Yeah, we talk about stress management all the time. Even on the Wednesday Night Lives, we’re talking about how to mitigate stress, how to manage stress, but the model is really interesting in that we start looking at somebody, and at the community in the 360 degree view, taking in all parts of a person, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, social, financial.
– Yeah, the whole human being.
– The whole human being. What stresses you out? Maybe it would be finances, maybe it’s work, maybe it’s family, maybe it’s an illness, but we’re looking at, how do we come together and support each other to be healthier? And in the long run, what it’s going to do is it’s going to lower health costs, so there’s a problem right now, like you said, in the healthcare system where people are being disenfranchised where they don’t feel like they’re being served or they’re being heard.
– Right, exactly. And when you look at it, I mean, he’s talking of healthcare costs, when we look at healthcare costs, we’re operating under a 2.7 trillion dollar healthcare industry.
– 2.7 trillion.
– Trillion.
– Trillion.
– Just kind of wrap your mind around that.
– Wow.
– So, the amazing thing about that is 86% of that, 2.2 trillion dollars would be 86% of 2.7 trillion, that is going towards conditions that are lifestyle, nutrition, and mental health related.
– Yeah.
– So we’re looking at the major, the vast majority of the costs for our healthcare system is on nutritional and lifestyle issues that could be prevented, and then mental health issues that could probably be prevented or better treated.
– Right.