– If we sit in the same position for, I think it’s 19 to 20 minutes, what happens is our fascia which is, it’s kind of like our…
– I call it the sock.
– Go for it.
– You know what I mean?
– Tell us about it
– It’s sort of like a giant sock that we all fit into you know like a sheet. It’s that sort of white, fibrous silk that covers every muscle and keeps that muscle structure intact so you can imagine, you take off your suit and you have a sock underneath or you take off a shoe and there’s a sock
– There’s a sock
– And it kind of keeps it together so you could pull on one end of the sock and it affects the other so. And that’s true to the fascia, the fascia in your feet can affect the top of your head so I think you know…
– And as you sit, if you sit in the same position, so think driving, think at your desk at your computer, you’re all hunched over. What would happen is the fascia will begin to harden and solidify around that position because the body is saying well this is how I want to be and so it starts to get stiff and inflexible. And so every 19 to 20 minutes, let’s say every 20 to 30 minutes, you want to get up and you want to move a little bit because the fascia is, as I believe, thixotropic meaning that with movement and heat its kind of like a Jell-O, like gelatin. When it’s cold it’s hard and solid but with heat it softens, it liquefies. So movement creates this friction that allows that to soften up and you don’t get stuck in that position.
– Right. You know what that makes me think of? You know, our lives are all about here right. We’re all on the keyboard or on our devices or driving or cooking, life is in front of us right so, what I see a lot of times is people will complain about neck pain and shoulder pain. And the problem is that, they’re tightening just as you said you know you’re looking at, you look at that tightening of the fascia, we’re all coming forward, we’re all kind of wrapped in our lives like this. And it really puts a lot of strain on those muscles in the back, especially the rhomboids, the trapezius and the scalene in the neck. So if you’re experiencing neck pain, shoulder pain, you know, think about that, and then as you get up to stretch in your 20 minute, 30 minute interval stretch it back you know, pull it back and open yourself up to the back really. Open your heart up to the world.
– To the world! You know you want to come into the world like this, good posture is kind of if you were to take your shoulders and bring them to your ears and then bring them back a little bit and then drop them, that’s good posture right there. That’s like a healthy posture.