Siskiyou Vital Medicine has set up a schedule for clinical breast exams prior to the next thermography clinic at the end of May. The exam will be with Dr. Katie Guidatti. You can read her Bio here.
The appointments will be 15 minutes each at a cost of $ 75. There will be no cost for Siskiyou Vital Medicine members. The annual clinical breast exam is an important part of every woman’s healthy breast routine. If your provider is not offering to check your breasts for suspicious lumps during your annual exam, we highly recommend that you take this preventative step.
Many of you are consistent about your self-breast exams and we commend you for that. A visit with Dr. Katie will give you an opportunity to ask questions and experience her professional and informed touch.
Please call Siskiyou Vital Medicine to schedule for May 13 or May 20: 541-210-5687