It is called the “change of life” but any woman who has been through the multi-year process known as perimenopause would likely have plenty of unkind things to say about it. Most would agree that the symptoms of perimenopause are some of the most frustrating they have ever experienced.
Beginning as early as age 40, women can begin the process of perimenopause, which is the start of the natural transition to menopause, marking the end of the reproductive years. This transition, which includes significant hormonal changes, generally creates a number of frustrating symptoms, leaving women with a desperate desire for relief any way they can get it. The great news is there are a number of natural and prescriptive medications that can reduce or completely alleviate perimenopausal symptoms.
The top ten perimenopausal symptoms include:
- Irregular periods
- Vaginal dryness
- Hot flashes
- Chills
- Night sweats
- Sleep problems
- Mood changes
- Weight gain
- Slowed metabolism
While these symptoms may not seem overly bad, the extent and severity of these symptoms (and the many others that can be part of perimenopause) can literally make a woman’s life miserable and intolerable on any given day.
The treatment approach that offers the best possibility of reducing and/or resolving these symptoms combines natural remedies (whole food dietary changes, nutraceutical supplementation and herbal therapy), along with prescriptive hormone replacement therapy (if not precluded due to an underlying condition).
At Siskiyou Vital Medicine, our family nurse practitioner Raymond Lombardi has extensive experience and positive results addressing the symptoms of perimenopause. Ray spent years using supplementation and herbal therapy as a chiropractor helping his female patients address the symptoms of perimenopause and developed a very effective protocol that has been made even better with the addition of low dose hormone replacement therapy.
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of perimenopause and seeking relief, please call Siskiyou Vital Medicine, 541-210-5687 to make an appointment with Ray Lombardi, NP-C, FNP, DC today.
By Ray Lombardi, NP-C, FNP, DC